Blog Boys High School Mobile Phone Pictures Students Thoughts about Class

Today’s class


Today’s class was interesting. Unfortunate events lead us to a discussion about the importance and seriousness of our responsibilities as students. This discussion took up most of the class. Yusra and I were unable to present our presentation on the wordpress app, or continue designing our app with Roy due to the important, yet lengthy talk.

After the talk was over, we continued class with the little time that we had. Us students had questions about our phone. After our questions were answered, we were given an overview of our new phones. We were then given a tutorial on wordpress and google docs. Our homework assignment for today was to upload a picture with our blog. So I posted a blog with a picture of Mr.Marco and Ms.Leshell in a color effect. I’m enjoying class and this new phone, and can’t wait for next class!

Blog Boys Mobile Phone

My new phone


Because I’m already acquainted with android, I knew where to start. The first thing that I did was add my email address to my new phone, the Ascend. The next thing that I did was install google voice. After that, I installed Facebook. I then changed the ringtone and background. From there I played around with the phone’s features.

As I mentioned before, I’m used to android. I have A Motorola CLIQ. That is my first android phone. It is an amazing phone, considering that it is a first generation android phone. That means that some features that are available to newer phones aren’t available on my cliq. One feature in particular is live wallpapers. This is probably my second favorite new feature that I was able to play with on the Ascend. My favorite is Swype. I typed these paragraphs with Swype. Swype makes typing fast and fun.

I found an app for wordpress. It allows users to blog directly to the youthapplab website from their phone. It will also allow us to upload our photos and videos easier than having to copy it from the phone and onto the computer. The only set back with the app is that I can’t view other students’s posts. For that, I have to use the browser. Even with that minor set back, it makes blogging much easier and fun!

Blog Boys High School Students

App Design Project

I had a fun day today. We had the whole day to work on our app for our app design project. My team (Yusra, Roy, and I) came up with a lot of ideas. We then narrowed them down to three ideas, and then chose one of the three. Simply, the app idea was to put Gamespot in your pocket. We also came up with some ideas to make the app utilize some of android’s capabilities, such as the accelerometer.

Boys High School Students

My Second Class at YouthApp Lab

My second day was awsome as well. We went over the insides of computers like the ones and zeros(binary system), the concept of input, processing, and output, some facts about the android and iphone markets, and some things to do before next class. I  I’m really looking forward to next class!

Boys High School Students

5th Day at Class

Todays class was good. We went over concepts that we went over in previous classes. We learned about blogging and how to use the WordPress website to login and to submit blogs. We were given a possible reason as to why Alice wasn’t working on some of the computers. We were given an assignment to find out how did Haiku relate to our classes. This is what I came up with, “I think I know how it relates to class. In a haiku poem, there is a set guideline or way to write the poem. In programming, there is also a set way to write the program. So in a way, programming is like poetry. Both programmers and poets have to “create” what they want their peice to do, but have to do so within the confinements of the language(haiku, java, alice, etc.), and they use creativity to do so.” We came up with I’m looking forward to next class.