APP Reviews

Starting at the end January 2011, Youth APPLab students will issue weekly reviews of Android Apps every Friday on our website.

The rating scale is 0-5 stars.

Come back often to read their perspectives.


Friday, February 11, 2011

App Review – Phit Droid – by Djani

Stars [* * * * *]

My review for the phit droid is a five star review because it stimulates the mind and keeps it busy, its a game that makes you think in ways that normally you might not have with different pieces of a whole shape. There are more than enough puzzles for you to do, 1054 to be exact with more on the way. The game also starts you off at different levels based on how good you think you are at putting different pieces together.  It keeps me busy everyday and I haven’t gotten bored with it at all. I can’t wait until the next version comes out.

Friday, February 4, 2011

App Review – – by Roi

Stars [* * * *]

Power amp is a music player that enables the listener to amplify the volume of the music on the phone, and play with the frequencies and wavelenght of the song sounds to adjust to what type of sound you prefer. So you can control the bass and stuff like that. It makes the sound quality better. Sometimes it has trouble playing songs due to its struggles uploading the song file, but its a good app that makes your experience in listening to music just that much better. I give 4 stars. So if you wanna enhance the quality of your music player get on from the market.

Friday, January 28, 2011

App Review – – By Yusra

Stars [* * * *]

When I first downloaded this app I was expecting to be able to watch any full tv episode from my phone. Instead there was a limited amount of tv episodes. And not only that, it’s pretty much just previews of upcoming episodes. I like the app, but I’d like it better if I could watch the latest episodes on it; so that’s why I give the app 4 stars.

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