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Hello, and welcome to my page.
My name is Shakira.
Please read my blog, and leave comments, if you wish!!!
Youth App Lab
Honestly, I feel honored that I have the opportunity to be a part of Youth App Lab. Since the beginning of Youth App Lab, I’ve been anxious to measure the knowledge and information about computer programming that I will learn by the end of the program. I believe that instead of just a selected few students being able to be a part of the program, this program or programs similar to it should be offered to students of all races and ages. Youth App Lab has opened my eyes more to details, because in computer programming you have to be very detailed. This is a wonderful program, any student that has the opportunity to participate in a program similar should take the opportunity, with HONOR.
My App
I have three ideas for apps, and I would love to have enough time to build and design them all. My first app idea is one that you can unlock your Android phone, with your finger print. My second app idea is one that a character (which ever one you choose) have to jump or duck over and under obstacles, as the level changes, the obstacles get bigger and more complicated. The last app idea I have in mind is an app that lists quotes.