Awesome Moment Blog Girls High School Pictures Portfolio Students Thoughts about Class

The Radio Interview

Today I woke up at 7am expecting not to make it to the Dyson Show radio interview because the day before I told Miss Leshell I couldn’t make it due to transportation. Fortunately I woke up to a message saying that she could pick me up from my house. That worked out pretty well with a few funny moments. When we got to are destination we met up with Hamza, Muhammad, Ali, and there family. We were offered water then it was time for things to get started. Dyson was welcoming and energetic so I wasn’t as nervous as I was before I walked into the recording room. After the recording was all over we took some pictures then it was time to go. Everyone said I did a pretty good job, I think I did a pretty good job as well. After, Miss Leshell took Hamza, Muhammad, Ali, and I to this burrito carry out; I forget the name. After that fun experience we went to the lab and hung out for a while while everyone ate their deliciously made burrito. After a while students started showing up and it was time to start class. We discussed different announcements Miss Leshell announced. At the end of the class she gave us at home assignments that are due Thursday 5pm. I’m glad I got to be apart of today’s project, it was fun.

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